Illinois School Districts Increasing Campus Security

Since the fatal February 14th shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL, some school districts in the Fox Valley Region and the St. Charles School District of Illinois are increasing security at their campuses. According to officials, some of the security upgrades were already in motion, but the Parkland shooting has heightened the focus on student safety.

St. Charles School District 303 is working on a planned $1 million in security upgrades, part of a series of security upgrades that began to be implemented about three years ago. In addition to the Parkland shooting, the district received more money this year in allocated funds for the upgrades and was able to proceed with upgrades faster. The planned upgrades to St. Charles schools include bullet-resistant glass or coating, designed to prevent glass from shattering where an intruder could shoot it out and crawl through the hole created. The district also wants to add a second layer of security to sign-in and building entrances.

There is no way to predict when or where an active shooter event may happen. The three most common places they occur are businesses, schools, and government facilities. However, studies have shown that they tend to focus on soft targets vulnerable targets are locations in which there is little to no security, easy access to the location, and dense groups of people.

These episodes are financially, physically and emotionally disastrous to the organizations that are targeted. The solution to reducing the damage caused to both human lives and financial loss is preparation. Blue Star Security’s advanced in-depth preparation and detailed planning could prevent your organization from being targeted or reduce the impact if an attack occurs.


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